Delivery process and packaging

The delivery process is as follows. The average delivery time is about 14 days.

Confirm your order (within 24 hours)

When you purchase a product, we will begin processing your order within 24 hours and place an order with our overseas supplier.

Product arrives at warehouse (5 days after product arrival)

The goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier.

Inspection and product preparation (~5 days from order confirmation)

After the goods arrive, our inspection team will check the quality and make sure there are no missing or damaged items. If there are no problems, we will pack the goods and prepare them for shipping.

Shipping (up to 5 days)

The product will be shipped. The shipping method will be by sea or air. Depending on the situation, we will select the most suitable shipping method and arrange it to arrive as quickly as possible. Once the shipment is completed, we will send you an email to notify you.

Customs procedures (up to 5 days)

After the product arrives in Japan, it may be necessary to go through customs. At that time, the product packaging may be opened, but the product will be repackaged after inspection. Normally, it may take 1 to 5 business days to wait at customs.

Delivery (up to 3 days)

Once customs clearance is completed, the item will be shipped to your address.

Packaging Information

We consider product protection to be our number one priority, and strive to deliver your items safely using appropriate protective materials to prevent damage. Our packaging prioritizes practicality over appearance. In addition, products may be opened at customs, but in that case, Japanese customs staff will repackage the products and make an effort to protect them, so you can receive them with peace of mind.